Here at Shirley Shah Farms trading as Locke Meadow Horse Shows, your safety as well as your horses’ safety is a top priority. With that in mind, we have a few equine biosecurity measures in place. We have been in contact with local vets and have brought Jordan Equine on board to help us keep your horses safe. It has been recommended that we follow the guidelines put forth by the AAEP (the governing body for equine health) and USEF (the governing body in equine sport).

With that said all horses on grounds, whether competing or not must have a current negative Coggins and proof of a current Flu/Rhino vaccine. With positive cases of EIA last year in VA and the current EHV-1 outbreak this is the least we can do to help keep your horses safe. We will also be monitoring class sizes (and splitting classes is too large to keep safe distances) and reminding people not to congregate at the gate. Other things we are asking you to be aware of are not allowing horses from different barns to have nose-to-nose contact, not sharing water buckets or towels, and cleaning your hands between touching different horses. Not letting your horses graze at shows will also minimize their chances of picking up diseases. We will have a bucket and cloth for wiping the water spigot down when getting water at shows as the most disease is passed through handlers. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions or get you the information you need!
We here at the farm look forward to seeing you out and showing soon!